Early Humans

Historically Accurate Statements and Cave Art

cave art of figures

Post-Dynamic Figure Panel

Think back to what archaeologists and paleontologists have learned about early humans. Then, use this knowledge to determine if the following statements are true or false:

Edit all of the false statements to make them true using the Statements and Cave Art Template. Next, choose one true statement from above, and construct cave art representative of what an archaeologist may have found to support this claim. Use the space provided in the template to create an illustration that addresses your chosen statement.

Options to create your cave art include the following:

Your cave art design should be attractive and well-designed, and should accurately reflect the fact you determined was true from the list above. In addition, clearly label each section or image. Before you begin, access the Statements and Cave Art Checklist to be sure you have included all of the items required for full credit.


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