Early Chinese Civilizations

Part A: Confucius' Teachings

Fresco of Confucius found in a tomb in China
A fresco found in a tomb in Dongping County, east China's Shandong
Province that shows Confucius, 551 B.C. (B.C.E.) - 479 B.C. (B.C.E.).

In this topic, you learned that Confucius had many sayings to teach people the right way to live. For this application, you will read some of his sayings, and explain what you believe they mean in your own words. You will also have the opportunity to apply Confucius' words of wisdom by giving advice to peers in made-up scenarios. Complete your responses using the assignment template.

Understanding Confucius' Teachings

Read each of the below sayings, and then explain in your own words what they mean.

  1. Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.
  2. Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star.
  3. Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do.
  4. What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others.
  5. The man of virtue makes the difficulty to be overcome his first business, and success only a subsequent consideration.
  6. The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.
  7. Things that are done, it is needless to speak about...things that are past, it is needless to blame.
  8. [The superior man] acts before he speaks, and afterwards speaks according to his actions.
  9. When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them.
  10. The people may be made to follow a path of action, but they may not be made to understand it.

Applying Confucius' Teachings

Imagine one of your peers is describing her day to you through each of the below scenarios. After you have read each scenario, choose two of Confucius' sayings from the above list as advice you would offer to your peer. Then, explain why you chose each particular teaching.

Scenario 1 Scenario 2
You spot Gabriela walking home from school, and she looks really down. When you ask her what is wrong, she says her day started with getting caught in the rain, which caused her to spend the whole day in wet clothes. Then she failed her history test, got dumped via text message, and cracked the screen on her cell phone when she dropped it trying to close her locker.

Which two sayings from Confucius can you tell Gabriela to make her feel better? Why did you choose these?
You're not sure why, but Ashley doesn't like your friend Derek, and keeps trying to get him in trouble. Sometimes she even shifts the blame onto Derek when she's done something wrong. Other times, she is just plain mean. Derek definitely does not want to get in trouble, but he doesn't want to stoop to Ashley's level either.

Which two sayings from Confucius can you tell Derek to help him keep a better mindset?


Dai Temple in Mount Tai, Tai'an, Shandong, China
Dai Temple in Mount Tai, Tai'an, Shandong, China

Part B: World Religions Chart - Chinese Philosophies

Throughout this course, you will learn about the five major world religions, as well as several other smaller religions and philosophies practiced by people throughout human civilization. In this topic, you explored Confucianism and Taoism. Using the World Religions Chart found in the Student Resources section of this course, complete the third and fourth rows of the chart using the information you now know about Confucianism and Taoism. Make sure you completely fill out each cell with as much detail as possible. Keep this chart handy as you complete the course, because you will continue to enter data you learn about different religions.


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