Course Overview
Welcome to World History and Geography to 1500 A.D. (C.E.)

four students sitting at a table using tablets and notebooks

From the ancient mystery of prehistory to the beauty and sophistication of the Renaissance, this World History I course takes you on a journey through time, starting hundreds of thousands of years ago, and ending in the year 1500 A.D. (C.E.). In this online course, you will gain an understanding of world history and geography through media-rich interactivities, videos, collaborative discussions, hands-on applications, and real-world projects. In each lesson, you will have the opportunity to examine important people, places, events, and ideas in history, and learn about the historical patterns that reappear over time.

Course Overview Interactivity

Take a moment to explore an introduction of this World History I course. By viewing this interactivity, you will gain a better understanding of what to expect in each unit of study. Click the player button to begin.

View a printable version of this interactivity.