The image shown on the right is one of the Berlin Wall in Germany. One side is covered in graffiti, while the other is perfectly white. Which side of the wall faced democratic West Germany? If you guessed the wall with the graffiti, you are correct.
Now, imagine that you lived in West Berlin during the height of the Cold War. You live right next to the other half of the city, but you might as well be hundreds of miles away because the wall that separates the city is protected by armed communist guards. How do you think the West Berliners felt living in a city that was entirely surrounded by communist East Germany? Do you think it gave these people a special appreciation for their freedoms?
Create a list of at least ten words that come to mind when you think about the scenario above. Once you have your list, visit the Wordle™ website to make a Wordle™ of your words. Generate your Wordle™ and edit it to suit your preferences. Then, save a copy of your Wordle™ image.