Economic Development

Traffic in Dehli, India.

Traffic in Dehli, India courtesy G.J. Lingaraj

Wealth is unevenly distributed across the globe. Some countries are rich while some have very little money. That doesn't mean, of course, that everyone in a wealthy country is rich, or everyone in a poorer country has no money. It does mean that on average, life for people in the rich, developed countries is different than those in the developing world.

In this topic we'll look at some of the general characteristics of developed and developing countries and see how those differ especially with regards to economic development, population characteristics, and social conditions. We'll also look at some of the challenges that economic development and population growth have for the environment.

Lastly, we'll examine the relationship between economic and political freedom and see how the interconnectedness of the global economy is changing the world.

Essential Questions

  • How does the developing world compare with the developed world in terms of economic, social, and population characteristics?
  • What impacts are economic development and rapid population growth having on the environment?
  • What are the links between economic and political freedom?
  • How is economic interdependence changing the world?