The September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks had a lasting impact on the people and the government of the United States. In order to learn more about the details of that day and to explore first-hand accounts, visit the National September 11 Memorial & Museum’s website to view the Interactive 9/11 Timeline. To fully interact with the timeline, make sure to read the text, click on the pictures, listen to the audio files, and watch the videos of survivors and their families.
Once you have learned about the events of September 11th, visit the National September 11 Memorial & Museum’s website to view the Interactive Lady Liberty exhibit. Read about the history of Lady Liberty and then click on the link to “Explore” the exhibit. Using the window pane of images at the bottom, scroll through and learn about some of the ornaments, messages, and tributes that were left on Lady Liberty immediately following the September 11th attacks. You may notice that many seemingly everyday items have a special significance when accompanied by a message (e.g. candy wrappers, paper cranes, etc.).
For this assignment, pretend that you have been asked to add a modern-day artifact to Lady Liberty representing changes that occurred after the September 11th terrorist attacks, whether they were governmental changes or changes in the way that the public views terrorism. Consider what item you would select to reflect those changes, then draw or take a picture of the artifact for submission. The artifact does not have to be something that is already in existence; you can design something to convey your thoughts. You should write a brief paragraph describing the meaning of your artifact for submission along with your image.
Your Lady Liberty artifact should clearly address one or more of the following concepts from this topic:
Remember, many people were faced with dire and unpleasant circumstances during and after the September 11th attacks. Your artifact should be sensitive to the victims, survivors, and families affected by those events. Before you begin, you should review the printable version of the assignment and the Lady Liberty Checklist so that you understand what items need to be included with your submission. If you use resources outside of this course to create your artifact, you should include a Works Cited document including information about those resources. For more information on properly citing resources, please visit the Developmental Module.
Options for creating your assignment include:
Once you have completed your artifact and brief paragraph, please submit your work to the dropbox.