Trade and Asian Empires at 1500
There were several important states that existed in Asia around 1500, from the Ottomans in Asia Minor to the Mughals in India, and on to Chinese and Japanese imperial rulers. Each of these states had very different relations with the Europeans.
The Ottoman and Mughal Empires
Based in Asia Minor and Northern India, respectively, the Ottoman and Mughal Empires helped spread Islam throughout these regions. Both empires were important trade partners for Europe as it expanded its trade networks in search of new lands and products. View this presentation to find out more about the Ottoman and Mughal Empires. Click the player to begin.
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China and Japan: Resistance to Trade
Unlike the Ottoman and Mughal Empires, China and Japan tried to limit the amount of trade and contact they had with foreign countries. While each was somewhat successful, the long-term impacts were not beneficial for either country. Watch the presentation for a brief overview of how these two Asian powers tried to limit the influence of Europe. Click the player to begin.
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New Empires Review
Now that you have examined several of the Asian empires that existed around 1500, practice your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Read each question and select the most appropriate answer or answers. Then, click Submit. Click the player to get started.