Economic Depression

Image of 50 million mark note from 1923

A 50-million mark banknote from 1923

Assignment icon.Pretend that you are a modern-day German citizen who was born in the year 1900. One day, your fifteen-year-old granddaughter is helping you clean some things out of your attic. All of sudden, she yells "Grandpa or Grandma, you are rich!" (in German, of course). You see that she has found a box of 50 million mark bank notes from 1923. You laugh and tell her that it would have taken over eighty thousand of these bills to buy one U.S. dollar. After she leaves, you decide to send her the box of useless bills with a note explaining why you think they are important in the history of modern Germany.

In a five to seven sentence note, explain how the German currency became almost worthless after WWI, how the Great Depression impacted the country, and how both of these events combined to bring Hitler to power. Use at least one historical example or event for each of these points.

Before you begin, access the Note to Your Granddaughter Checklist to make sure that you have include all of the items required for full credit. You may need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment. If so, please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you used.

Once you have completed your note, please submit your work to the dropbox.