
STEM Roller Coaster

STEM Basics

STEM Basics interactivityPeople in the STEM Career Cluster are responsible for the creation of many things. Those things include the tools, ideas, and items people use today and will use in the future. In this activity, explore the basics of STEM. You will learn about some accomplishments and contributions from those in STEM professions. Click the player button to begin.

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STEM Works Together

One of the most important things about the STEM Career Cluster is that most careers do not exist in isolation. Engineers use science, technology, and math to complete their work. Scientists also rely on technology, engineering, and math, and so on. Professionals in STEM fields are like detectives. They solve problems instead of crimes, and they use their science, technology, engineering, and math skills to do so. They get to be creative and imaginative, too, especially when the challenge is a tough one, like Sue's. She had to:

Workplace Skills for STEM Careers

The STEM field is grounded in creating and building new materials and new devices, solving problems, and providing support for people. It is grounded in Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving. This means using sound reasoning to analyze problems, evaluate potential solutions, and implement effective courses of action. People in STEM careers place a high importance on discovery. They value Creativity and Innovation, or employing originality, inventiveness, and resourcefulness in the workplace.

Career Connection: Virtual Reality Careers

Virtual Reality Careers video

Did you know that over 59% of the population plays video games? Did you also know that being a video game designer is a career in the STEM Career Cluster? Gaming is extending into the virtual reality field. View Virtual Reality Careers from eMediaVASM to explore career options related to gaming. Click the player button to begin.

Career Connection: Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering video

Biomedical engineering is a great example of a career that relies on all of the components of the STEM Career Cluster. View Biomedical Engineering from eMediaVASM to explore career options related to this field. Click the player button to begin.

Growth of STEM Career Cluster

Within the STEM Career Cluster, jobs are expected to grow by 6% from now until 2024. By 2024, it is estimated that there will be 71,300 total STEM employees in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

STEM Pathways

STEM Pathways InteractivityThere are two different pathways associated with the STEM Career Cluster. In this interactivity, learn about each of these pathways. You will explore descriptions, sample job titles, salaries, and required education. Click the player button to begin.

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Virginia Department of Education's Career Planning Guide

Are you interested in learning more about the occupations shown in the two pathways in the STEM Career Cluster? Visit the Virginia Department of Education's STEM Career Planning Guide to explore these pathways and careers in more detail.

Get Started: Clubs and Organizations

If you are interested in this career cluster, there are many clubs and organizations that you can join to get started. Many careers in STEM require a strong foundation in mathematics and science, so any competition-based club devoted to these subjects would be helpful. Examples include Math or Science Bowls or Olympics. For students interested in engineering and technology, robotics clubs and competitions provide hands-on experience with engineering and technology projects.

STEM Roller Coaster IntroductionSTEM Roller Coaster Quiz