Black Body Radiation

Problem Set iconNow that you have mastered the laws behind black body radiation, use your knowledge to provide the correct answers to the following questions. Make sure to completely answer each question and to show all of your work. The following equations may assist you in completing this assignment:

    • Stefan-Boltzmann Equation: ET4
    • Wien's Law: λmax=2,900,000/T

This activity is also available below or in a printable version.

  1. starThe radiation emitted from a star has a maximum intensity at a wavelength of 300 nm. What is the temperature of this star?

  2. At what wavelength would a star radiate the greatest amount of energy if the star has a surface temperature of 60,000 K?

  3. The Sun has a surface temperature of approximately 5800 K. At what wavelength does the maximum energy radiated by the Sun occur?

  4. One star has a temperature of 30,000 K and another star has a temperature of 6,000 K. Compared to the cooler star, how much more energy per second will the hotter star radiate from each square meter of its surface?

  5. One star has a temperature of 30,000 K and another star has a temperature of 6,000 K. Compared to the cooler star, how much more energy per second will the hotter star radiate from each square meter of its surface?

  6. How much energy is radiated each second by one square meter of a star whose temperature is 10,000K?

  7. How much energy is radiated each second by one square meter of a star whose temperature is 20,000K?

  8. How much energy is radiated each second by one square meter of a star whose temperature is 50,000K?

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Once you have completed the questions above, please submit your answers to the dropbox.