Black Body Radiation

All objects produce some sort of radiation, and many reflect light in a way that gives them their color. Objects in space, such as stars and planets, can perfectly absorb all light but reflect nothing. How can this occur and what does it mean?

Black Body Radiation presentation iconSuch objects appear nearly black because they do not reflect light that would ordinarily produce a color. These objects are called black bodies. View the presentation to learn specifically about black body radiation and how astronomer's can use it to measure the energy emitted by stars far away from Earth. As you view the presentation, make sure to take notes on the various formulas and how they are used to measure the emission of energy or radiation.

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Black Body Radiation Review

Black Body Radiation PlayerSelf-Check iconCheck your knowledge of black body radiation and how to determine the energy emitted by stars by completing this non-graded activity. Make sure to read and follow the directions associated with each question. After selecting an answer, click SUBMIT to check your response. Click the interactivity thumbnail, and then click NEXT to begin.