Population Dynamics

URL iconThe topic of the world's human population is in the news frequently. Many experts are concerned that the number of people in the world is reaching its maximum carrying capacity, or the highest number of people that the environment can support, while others argue that there is no population issue. You may want to check the population of the U.S. using the United States Census Population Clock on the United States Census Population Clock website. Also, the world population statistics have been provided in the data table below:

Years Elapsed Year (A.D.) Human Population
N/A 1 170,000,000
1,800 1800 1,000,000,000
130 1930 2,000,000,000
30 1960 3,000,000,000
15 1975 4,000,000,000
12 1987 5,000,000,000
12 1999 6,000,000,000
12 2011 7,000,000,000

Discussion iconAfter you look at these statistics, consider how human populations are similar and different from the populations of other species. Are there limitations on the human population? If so, what are those limitations? Respond to these questions in the discussions area. Then, return to the topic several times over the next few days to read your coursemates' posts. Reply to at least two of them, making sure to offer new insights, ask questions, and encourage further conversation.