Now that you have learned about the digestive and excretory systems, create a flow chart illustrating how food is digested and how wastes are removed from the body. A flow chart is a diagram of the sequence of movements or actions of people or things involved in a complex system or activity.
You should include the following structures in your flow chart: mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, kidneys, bladder, ureter, and urethra. Be sure to include a short description of how each of these structures contributes to the digestive process and/or how it removes wastes from the body. Also, include a title as well as a short description of how the digestive and excretory systems contribute to homeostasis.
Before you begin the assignment, review the Flow Chart Checklist to make sure that you included all of the items required for full credit.
Options to create your flow chart include the following:
Once your have completed your flow chart, please submit your work to the dropbox.