
MixtureElectrolytes are substances that dissolve into ions in water and can conduct electricity. Ions are substances that have gained or lost electrons. These free-roaming electrons cause a flow of electricity. All ionic compounds are considered electrolytes, even though many ionic compounds are considered insoluble in water. Why? Because all ionic compounds dissolve to some extent, but for some substances, that amount is very small. When ionic substances dissolve in water to produce ions, the process is called dissociation. When water, or any molecular substance, dissolves in water to produce ions, the process is called ionization. The fact that water self-ionizes will become a very important factor in the study of acids and bases.

Electrolytes are essential to many metabolic processes. Sodium and potassium ions are so important to nerve function, that kidney function can be severely impaired without the right levels of these ions. Sports drinks that have potassium and sodium ions can help to restore the proper electrolyte balance. These can be helpful for athletes who ingest large quantities of water and have diluted their electrolyte levels.