
Consuming a sports drinkThink IconIt is recommended that you exercise for at least one hour per day. Vigorous activity, such as running, can cause you to sweat. When you sweat, your body loses electrolytes. Do not worry; you can replenish your electrolytes by adding them back into your body. One way to add electrolytes is to consume a sports drink. Sports drinks were designed to replace the electrolytes that you lost while exercising. There are several electrolytes that play very important roles in your body. Take a moment to view the list below to see the function of several different electrolytes in your body.

  • Calcium builds healthy bones and teeth. It is also important for muscle contraction, blood clotting, and nerve function.
  • Sodium helps balance water within the body. It is also involved with nerve signaling.
  • Potassium helps the function of the heart, muscles, kidneys, and nerves.
  • Magnesium is involved in the muscle, bone, and nervous system.