Parts of the Atom and Isotope Symbol

Sir James Chadwick, the scientist who discovered the neutron

Sir James Chadwick, the
scientist who discovered the neutron

Problem SetUsing your knowledge of atoms, isotopes, and the periodic table, provide the correct answers to the following questions. Make sure to completely answer each question and to show all of your work.

This activity is available below or in a printable version.

  1. Create an image of an atom of carbon-14. Your image should include any needed protons, neutrons, and electrons in their appropriate locations.
  2. Use the periodic table and the following information to create the isotope notation for each isotope:
    1. Atomic number = 2, Mass number = 4
    2. Atomic number =8, Mass number = 16
    3. Atomic number = 19; Mass number = 39
  3. Copy and complete the following table about the three neutral isotopes of oxygen.
Isotope Number of Protons Number of Electrons Number of Neutrons

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