Types of Chemical Reactions

Presentation PlayerDid you ever wonder why metal rusts when it is exposed to air and water? Or, why water turns into a gas when it boils? Both of these situations are explained by chemical reactions. A chemical reaction takes place when an element or compound changes into a different element or compound. Chemical reactions can occur several different ways. Click on each of the tabs in this interactivity to learn more about different types of reactions.

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Identifying a Chemical Reaction

Smoking BeakerA chemical reaction occurs only when one or more new substances are made. Sometimes, observing a chemical reaction is obvious, other times this is not the case. Observing an energy change during a chemical reaction is often witnessed when the reaction heats up or cools down. However, there are other signs that a chemical reaction has taken place. Take a moment to review some of the following signs that a reaction has taken place.

  • A gas release
  • Solid substances appear or disappear
  • A color change
  • A temperature change
  • Generation of light or heat
  • Production of sound


Types of Chemical Reactions Review

Review PlayerSelf Check IconNow that you have investigated the different types of chemical reactions, complete this non-graded activity to check your knowledge. Read each description of the chemical reactions. Then, use the drop-box menu to select the type of reaction. Click SUBMIT to check your responses. Click on the interactivity thumbnail, and then click NEXT to get started.