Fossil Fuel Energy Resources

Fossil fuels are the leading energy source worldwide. Oil, natural gas, and coal are the three fossil fuels. Each type of fossil fuel formed over millions of years from the remains of ancient plants and animals. These three resources are mainly used as fuels. There are other energy sources, but fossil fuels are the most common fuels that power homes, businesses, transportation, and cities around the globe.

Oil playerOil

Oil is an extremely valuable non-renewable energy source. Scientists and companies search diligently to find oil deposits below the Earth's surface. View this presentation to learn more about oil, where it is found, how it is used, and the advantages and disadvantages of its use. Click the player button to begin.

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Natural Gas playerNatural Gas

Natural gas is used to heat and cool homes, for cooking, and to fuel natural gas powered cars. Scientists and companies often find natural gas deposits near sources of oil. View this presentation to learn more about oil, where it is found, how it is used, and the advantages and disadvantages of its use. Click the player button to begin.

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Coal playerCoal

Coal is a nonrenewable resource used to generate electricity, to produce steel, to manufacture cement, and to create liquid fuel. In this interactivity, click NEXT to learn more information about coal’s plant origins, worldwide use, and the advantages and disadvantages of its use. Click the player button to begin.

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Coal Types playerTypes of Coal

There are four different types of coal that are burned to produce electricity. The age of the coal and the conditions that existed during coal's formation produce four varieties. In this interactivity, click each of the tabs to learn about the different types of coal. Click the player button to begin.

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The Impact of Fossil Fuels

Currently, the majority of the world's energy comes from fossil fuels, which are nonrenewable resources. The burning of fossil fuels to produce electricity produces greenhouse gases, which have an effect on Earth's climate. View the video Growing Appetites, Limiting Resources from eMediaVA℠ to learn about the growing demand for energy and the impacts of energy use.

Environmental Concerns

Exxon-Valdex Oil Spill

Workers cleaning up after the Exxon-Valdez oil spill in 1986


Deep Horizon

Response ships trying to extinguish the fire on the 
oil rig Deepwater Horizon in 2010.

Finding, extracting, transporting, refining, and using fossil fuels has serious environmental consequences. Exploring, mining, and drilling causes land degradation and impacts some of the only remaining wilderness areas in the world. Some coal mining operations have removed the tops of entire mountains and buried mountain valleys and streams with the debris.

In addition, worker health and safety is a major concern. Oil and natural gas are highly flammable and explosions on rigs and in factories can injure and kill employees. Working in a coal mine can cause long-term respiratory illnesses and mines can collapse, killing miners or trapping them deep underground. Some of the chemicals used in the refining processes of oil, natural gas, and coal also cause health problems such as cancer and respiratory illnesses.

There have been many major oil spills during the extensive transportation process, such as the Exxon-Valdez spill of 1986 and the Deepwater Horizon spill of 2010 as seen in the pictures to the left. Oil spills on land and in water are very difficult to clean up. Spilled oil harms wildlife, the fishing industry, and decreases tourism to affected areas.

Burning fossil fuels for energy causes air pollution, acid rain, and global climate change. Furthermore, an enormous amount of energy is required to find, extract, refine, and ship fossil fuels worldwide, causing even more impact.

In response to the serious issues that fossil fuels cause, some countries are making an effort to use more renewable sources of energy and to find ways to mediate the negative effects of burning fossil fuels. Even though the serious concerns about fossil fuels need to be better understood and addressed, they are currently still the largest source of energy worldwide and are a very important resource for the growth of the global economy.

Fossil Fuels Review

Self-check IconFossil Fuels Review playerNow that you have explored fossil fuels, complete this non-graded activity to check your knowledge. After reading each question, check the boxes next to the correct answer or answers. Click the player button to get started.