Ocean Geomorphology

CoastlineWhat does the bottom of the ocean look like? It may look sandy just off of the coast of the Outer Banks in North Carolina, but is it like that 10 miles offshore? You might be surprised to find out that the bottom of the ocean is not just flat soil covered with sand or rocks - there are mountains and volcanoes under the ocean.

Ocean geomorphology is the geologic study of the topography of the ocean floor. The wind and waves from the ocean create unique geologic features on land through the processes of erosion and deposition such as arches, barrier islands, and dramatic sea cliffs. In this topic, you will explore the different geologic features of the ocean floor and the shoreline, as well as some of the human-made structures designed to protect the vulnerable and changing shoreline from the powerful natural forces of the ocean.

Essential Questions

  • What are some of the geologic features of the ocean floor?
  • What kinds of geologic features do erosion and deposition create along the coast?
  • What kinds of structures can reduce the effects of erosion?