Medium and High Risk Investments

Instructional iconImage of twenty dollar billsOne point or two points in your rate of return can make a huge difference over the long run. Let's see how much by calculating returns on a hypothetical investment. Use the investment calculator spreadsheet to calculate how much you would earn in the following scenario:

  1. You have $5,000.00 to invest. Assume the returns for the possible investments are as follows:
    • Certificate of Deposit: 2.43%
    • Treasury Bond: 3.37%
    • High-Yield Corporate Bond: 7.97%
    • Mutual Fund: 9.76%
  2. Using the investment calculator spreadsheet, calculate your profit for each of the four investments.
  3. Create a graph or chart to show the difference in returns for the four investments.
  4. Submit your spreadsheet and graph to the dropbox.