Survey Says...
As you learned in this topic's warm-up activity, the average person is not always aware of what their property insurance policy covers and doesn't cover. Using your knowledge of homeowners and renters insurance, create a survey of at least 15 questions to find out how much an individual knows about homeowners and renters insurance. Once you have created your survey, collect data from at least 10 people between the ages of 20 to 80 years old, and analyze the information to find out where there seems to be the largest need for education/information.
After you have determined the need for information, construct an informational web page to educate people about homeowners and renters insurance. If you are an aspiring web designer, your web page can be created as an HTML document; however, your web page does not have to be functional, and a document with a design or layout showing the information you would provide is also appropriate. Make sure you convey who needs these types of insurances and what is and is not included in these types of insurances. Before you begin, review the Property Insurance Survey Rubric so that you understand how your assignment will be graded. You may need to conduct additional research to gather all of your needed information. If so, please be sure to properly cite those resources with an accompanying bibliography. Information on how to cite resources can be found in the Developmental Module.
Suggestions for completing and submitting your web page layout include:
Once you have completed your survey information and web page design, submit your assignment to the dropbox.