A Sound Foundation for Your Property

Thief at houseIt's difficult to think about, but what if there was a fire in your home? What if a thief broke in and took your new home theater system? What if your diamond engagement ring falls into the garbage disposal while it's running?

On the evening news almost every night, you hear of a fire, theft, storm, tornado, or other catastrophic events that can destroy a home and the belongings in that home. Are you prepared if this were to happen to your house? In order to protect you from these types of events, you can purchase homeowner’s or renter’s insurance that will protect your home and the contents in your home. Do you know how much money it would cost to replace all of the possessions that you have in your house? Determining the value of your actual house is relatively easy; however, calculating how much your valuables are worth can be somewhat complicated. Therefore, you might want to start an inventory of the items that are in your dwelling place.

Protecting the things you own is an important part of planning for your future. In this topic, we'll explore the types of insurance available to protect your home and personal belongings against theft, damage, and destruction and protect your finances in case you get sued by someone who gets hurt on your property.

Essential Question

  • How do you minimize property risk from unforeseen threats?