Your consumer choices have costs and impact. When you spend your money with a particular company, you are endorsing that company’s policies and practices. Similarly, a company has certain responsibilities to protect your rights as a consumer. By educating yourself, speaking up, and making wise choices, you are well on your way to becoming a responsible consumer.
In the next topic, you will learn about legal agreements called contracts. What can you expect when you enter into a contract? What are the consequences if a contract is violated? Visit the next topic and find out!
Recycle City
Some people feel that making environmentally-concious purchases is an additional consumer responsibility. On it's website, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides an interactive map of a fictitious municipality called Recycle City. Recycle City serves as an environmentally-friendly example of consumer and personal responsibility. Using the link below, take some time to explore Recycle City and see how it's citizens are dedicated to reusing, reducing, and recycling to take care of their local environment.
Visit the EPA website to explore Recycle City.