The Digital Portfolio

Why Should You Learn To Write Interactivity.Why should you write?  Writing is an important form of communication.  The writing process involves writing, reviewing, collaborating, and organizing in an effort to produce high-quality work.  Samples of your work can be collected in a digital portfolio. The goal of this digital portfolio is to be a showcase for your best pieces of writing, but why are you creating it? View this interactivity which asks you to think about the digital portfolio. Click the player button to get started.

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Digital Portfolio Review

self check iconDigital Portfolio Review InteractivitySee if you can match the key elements involved with developing a digital portfolio with the correct descriptions. In this non-graded activity, drag the descriptions on the right and drop them next to the key elements on the left. Once you have matched all of the key descriptions with the key elements, select SUBMIT to check your answers. Click the player button to get started.