Beginning Your Portfolio

Who are you? What are your  likes and dislikes? These are important questions when considering a career. Did you know that the average person will work at his or her career for approximately ninety thousand hours? That is a lot of time, so it is very important that you enjoy your career. Before you begin creating your digital portfolio, you should reflect on your future goals and career skills, your strengths and weaknesses, and your likes and dislikes.  Understanding yourself is the key to setting your goals and creating an essential element of your life journey.

Digital Repository IconTake a moment and view the video clip, What Type of Person Am I?: Personality and Careers from eMediaVA. While watching the video clip, learn about how your personality plays a big role in choosing your future career. Also, make note of what possible future careers might fit your personality type.


Goal Setting and Your Career Path

Goal Setting and Your Career Path InteractivityHave you started to plan for your future? Do you know what training and education you will need for the career of your dreams? Your future plans will start by setting both short and long term goals. You need to research possible careers that appeal to you to create a career path. In this interactivity, click on each of the steps to learn what you will need to accomplish to have a rewarding career. Click the player button to get started.

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Planning Your Career

Planning Your Career InteractivityPart of planning for the future is thinking about what career you would like to work towards. Planning for your future now is important. Certain courses that you take in high school can better prepare you for your rewarding career. How much time have you spent thinking about your career? View this interactivity to learn more about finding a career that is right for you. Click the player button to get started.

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Career Assessment Survey

Survey IconSelf-assessment tools exist to help you narrow down the amount of career choices available. The Virginia Education Wizard is a website that can help you choose a career and get answers to your questions about your future. It has several assessments that help you evaluate your skills, interests, and values.

URL IconVisit the Virginia Education Wizard and take the Interests Assessment. Once you finish, the survey will automatically provide suggested careers that may interest you. Select those careers to find more information about each one.