Oedipus Rex, Scene Three - Paen

Rays of SunIn Ode Two, the Chorus states:

What man is there who does such things
who can still claim he will ward off
the arrow of the gods aimed at his heart?
If such actions are considered worthy,
why should we dance to honour god?

JournalBased on what you know about Oedipus’ origins as well as what has occurred in the first part of Oedipus the King/Oedipus Rex, how does this quote relate to Oedipus and his situation?  What words of wisdom are being expressed to the audience? Write a paragraph responding to the quote in your journal. If you need assistance on writing a journal entry, please visit the Developmental Module for more information.

Assignment iconOnce you have completed your journal entry, please save it with a file name of mod3_chorus and submit it to the journal dropbox.