Writing Focus - Comparison and Contrast Essay

Girl Thinking about a Decision

To compare and contrast is a skill that you will use each day.  You do it when you shop, choose which classes to take, or what colleges to attend. It is an essential skill that you use when you are making some of the most important decisions in your life.  When you utilize the skill of comparing and contrasting, you must remember that it is a structured and organized process that takes time if you want the desired outcome. When facing life’s obstacles and difficult decisions, comparing possible solutions and choosing the best option is very important. Weighing the options and looking at pros and cons of your choices will help you make the best decision. It is through this skill that you will find success in life.


Notes IconDid you keep the list that you made in this topic's Warm-Up activity? If so, review the information that you included on it. How many times did you compare and contrast in a twenty-four hour period?