In Act III, the climax occurs with the assassination of Julius Caesar. The death of Caesar is the climax of the play causes an emotional crisis within Brutus. You might remember that one way you learn about characters is through characterization. Characterization is the method by which the author develops a character.
The author can use any one of the following in the process of characterization:
With this in mind, it is time to characterize some of the main characters in Acts I - III. In your journal, make a list of the characters and adjectives that describe them. Pay very close attention to what they say, what others say about them, and what they do. If you need assistance on writing a journal entry, please visit the Developmental Module for more information.
The main characters in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar are:
Once you have completed your journal entry, please save it with a file name of mod5top4_characterization and submit it to the journal dropbox.