Things Fall Apart, Chapters Two and Three


A Collage Representing Ibo Culture

Now that you have learned about the Ibo people, create a collage based on their traditions, customs, language, and rituals. A collage is a piece of artwork that uses different images or clippings to tell a story or convey a theme. Each image or clipping is layered with others so that they overlap or are arranged to create a picture. Your collage should include pieces that represent the following:

  • Ibo language
  • Ibo religious beliefs
  • Ibo traditions or customs
  • Ibo dress

For each of these pieces, you should include two images or clippings, along with a caption. Be creative and make sure to highlight them accordingly. You can design your collage in any shape and size as long as it is well-organized. Before you begin, review the Ibo Collage Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit. You will need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment, so please submit a Works Cited document with your assignment submission. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you use.

Options to create your collage include the following:

  • Collect images and clippings to create your collage on posterboard and then take a picture of it.
  • Collect images and clippings to create your collage on posterboard and then scan it.
  • Utilize a paint, presentation, graphics, or word processing program to gather images and create a digital collage.
  • Use an online collage creator and follow the prompts provided by the website to name your collage, select your images, and then organize your collage with the required items for this assignment. When you have completed your collage, you can print it and scan or photograph it for submission for to the assignment's dropbox.
  • Use a mobile or computer-based application to create your collage and email or export the final product for submission to the assignment's dropbox.

Once you have completed your collage, please submit your work to the dropbox.