Things Fall Apart, Chapters Two and Three

Sayings from Different Regions of the United States

Language defines a community. Not all people who speak a language speak it the same exact way. Language can be subdivided into dialects. Different dialects vary from the parent language. In the United States, there are many different dialects of the English language. For example, people in some areas may refer to soft drinks as "soda" while other people call it "pop."  Also, people from southern areas may combine the terms you and all, creating "y'all." This phrase is not used in northern regions.  Believe it or not, there are over twenty different dialects in the United States. When comparing different dialects, you cannot say that one is more correct than another.  Dialects are simply variations of the same language, and they are all equally legitimate.

In Things Fall Apart, the British judged the tribes throughout Africa as being savage based partially on the fact that they simply did not speak the King’s English. They assumed that whatever language they may use would be primitive and underdeveloped; some even figured all they did was click and grunt. Quite the opposite is shown by Achebe as he creates a picture in our minds of the complexities and beauty of the Ibo language. Remember the proverb: “Never judge a book by its cover.”