Things Fall Apart, Chapters Nine and Ten

Think SignAll societies have their own weird quirks. Here are some laws that are still on the books in the United States and other parts of the world.

  • In Nebraska, a parent can be arrested if his/her child cannot keep from burping during a church service.
  • In Los Angeles, you cannot bathe two babies in the same tub at once.
  • Since 1959 in Jupiter Inlet Colony, stubborn children were labeled as vagrants (homeless people).
  • In South Carolina, it is illegal for minors to play pinball.
  • In Rome, it is illegal to eat or drink near landmarks.
  • In Greece, it is illegal to wear stiletto heels.
  • In Thailand, it is illegal to step on currency.
  • In Singapore, it is illegal to chew gum.

All these laws are strange, but true. Think about any other very strange laws or beliefs our society may hold about children, parents, and families.