Things Fall Apart, Chapters Nine and Ten

Bloody GloveWhen writing about a piece of literature or when using research in a paper, you must learn to avoid what is known as the bloody glove. What is the bloody glove? When a lawyer is introducing evidence in court, you will never hear him stand up and say, “Bloody glove,” and then sit down. Instead, a lawyer will introduce the evidence, present it, and then talk about the conclusions to draw based on the evidence.

When you write, you must follow this same line of thinking. When using a quote as evidence, treat it following the same model of introduction, presentation, and concluding discussion as discussed above. You are going to practice this method in this assignment.

Write a six to eight-sentence-paragraph addressing one of the three prompts found below. In your paragraph, you must include an introductory sentence, the body of the paragraph, and a concluding sentence to tie it all together. Within the body of the paragraph, you must include at least one quote from the novel to support your answer. Follow the model discussed above for using a quote.


  1. What is different about Okonkwo’s relationship with Ekwefi and Ezinma versus his other wives and children?
  2. Discuss your opinion of the ogbanje children and their iyi-uwa.
  3. Explain how and why the villagers show respect for the egwugwu.

Before you begin this paragraph, access the Writing Like a Lawyer Checklist to make sure you include all the items required for full credit.

Once you have completed your paragraph, please submit your work to the dropbox.