Lord of the Flies, Chapters Two and Three

Fear, plane crash, lush tropical jungle

Journal IconIn order to understand what the boys on the island are experiencing, you must understand how fear influences your decision making processes. How clear is your thought process when you are scared? How do you think the boys reacted after a plane crash and then finding out they were stranded on an island? In your journal, reflect upon the following questions in a paragraph:

  1. What fears, if any, do you have?  Have you had these fears your entire life, or did something specific cause the fears?
  2. Have you ever made a decision that you rushed into without thinking it through?  Did things turn out alright, or were the consequences difficult on you?  If you had thought it through before making the decision, how do you think the consequences would have differed? 

If you need assistance on writing a journal entry, please visit the Developmental Module for more information.

Assignment iconOnce you have completed your journal entry, please save it with a file name of mod7top2_fearanddecisions and submit it to the journal dropbox.