Intertextual Connections

Poems are often called songs without the music.  Many song lyrics read like poetry or contain poetic elements such as alliteration, rhyme, repetition, and many others.  Song lyrics often also contain strong imagery that can help a reader understand theme.

"The Sick Rose"

Reading IconWilliam BlakeAccess and read “The Sick Rose,” by William Blake.  As you read, annotate the poem to understand the meaning and the theme.

Journal IconNow that you have read "The Sick Rose," create a journal entry to analyze the poem. First jot down all of the images that you think affect the overall meaning of the poem.  Then in two or three sentences, write a brief statement of theme for the poem, and think about how this poem deals with any of the themes you examined in your study of Lord of the Flies.  If you need assistance on writing a journal entry, please visit the Developmental Module for more information.

Assignment iconOnce you have completed your journal entry, please save it with a file name of mod7top8_sickrose and submit it to the journal dropbox.



"Nothing Gold Can Stay"

Robert FrostThemes are not limited to only one poem or novel.  There are many poems that deal with issues such as the loss of innocence or the darkness of man’s heart, two themes present in Golding’s novel.  “Nothing Gold Can Stay” is another poem that has a similar theme as the novel. 

Reading IconAccess and read “Nothing Gold Can Stay,” by Robert Frost.  As you read, annotate the poem to understand the meaning and the theme.

Journal IconNow that you have read "Nothing Gold Can Stay," create an identical journal entry to the one you created for "The Sick Rose." First jot down all of the images that you think affect the overall meaning of the poem.  Then in two or three sentences, write a brief statement of theme for the poem, and think about how this poem deals with any of the themes you examined in your study of Lord of the Flies.  If you need assistance on writing a journal entry, please visit the Developmental Module for more information.

Assignment iconOnce you have completed your journal entry, please save it with a file name of mod7top8_nothinggold and submit it to the journal dropbox.




Intertextual Connections Review

Self Check IconIntertextual Connections ReviewIn this non-graded interactivity, read the statement and decide if the idea is present in Lord of theFlies, "The Sick Rose," and "Nothing Gold Can Stay." If the idea is found in all three literary works select Yes. If the idea is not found in all three works select No. To check your answer click SUBMIT. Click the player button to get started.



Topic Vocabulary

grammar iconAs you read the literary works in this module, you came upon some vocabulary with which you may not have been familiar. Part of becoming a better writer is to learn new words and practice using those words in your own writing. In the following activity, you will create a chart like the one shown below. Using the ten words provided, you will need to research each word's part of speech and definition and document that information in your chart. Then, you will need to compose a sentence using each word. Refer to the words listed and the example provided below to aid in creating these sentences.

Word Part of Speech Definition Sentence


Word Part of Speech Definition Sentence
pinnacle noun the highest point Due to the controversy surrounding his tax scandal, the politician had reached the pinnacle of his career at the age of twenty-five.

assignment icon
Once you have completed your vocabulary chart, please submit your work to the dropbox.