Plagiarism and Paraphrasing

The Pledge of Allegance

Paraphrasing is not that difficult to do, but to perfect your skills you need to practice. In this assignment, you are going to paraphrase something you know very well:  The Pledge of Allegiance.  You can view the Pledge of Allegiance in the image on this page.

In order to complete this assignment correctly, you may need to look up the meaning of some of the words in the Pledge of Allegiance. Do not worry if your paraphrased example is longer the actual Pledge of Allegiance.

Before you begin, access the Pledge Paraphrase Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit. Make sure you include the original pledge on the document you submit with your paraphrased version.

Assignment IconOnce you have completed paraphrasing the Pledge of Allegiance, submit your document to the dropbox.