Beginning Your Research

ChalkboardIt is time to begin your research. You now have the skills to critique each website you visit and make sure you acquire quality information. To start your research, you are going to first select three topics and three sources for each topic. By completing basic research on three topics, you will be able to make a decision about the topic you want to use for your final paper. Think back to the discussion you had with someone you trust in the Warm-Up section and choose three of those topics to examine further.

To begin, access the Narrowing Your Research Template and fill it out completely. Please make sure one of your sources is a database so that you have practice accessing that type of information   Make sure to complete the area at the bottom that asks you to make a final decision about the career you will use to complete your research paper.

Assignment IconOnce you have finished the Narrowing Your Research Template, please submit your assignment to the dropbox.