Digital Portfolio

girl on laptopYour digital portfolio will take plenty of organization on your part to correctly revise and compile all necessary pieces into a culminating project. Since you will be working on this throughout the course, having a plan on how you will choose the assignments and organize them for your digital portfolio will help keep the project manageable and enjoyable.

In an electronic document, create a plan on how you will create your digital portfolio. Specifically address the following areas:

  • Criteria for choosing assignments
  • Documenting chosen assignments
  • Tracking any improvement in your writing
  • Location(s) for saving your work
  • Location(s) for saving instructor comments
  • Naming files
  • Organizing files (folders/subfolders)
  • Ensuring all requirements of the digital-portfolio project have been met

Access the Digital Portfolio Plan Checklist to understand what to include in your assignment and to know how it will be graded.

assignmentOnce you have completed your plan, please submit it to the dropbox.