Creating a digital portfolio might sound like a daunting task, but it does not have to be. Being able to reflect on your work and compile it into a large project will help you in other classes, as well as in your college and career paths. Many college courses and professions require a self-evaluation of work as a way to highlight successes and set future goals. You will create a digital portfolio as a self-evaluation of your progress in this course.
A digital portfolio is a collection of work that best portrays you as a creator. You will select pieces of your work that you completed in this course that best exhibit your growth in the English skills you have developed in this course. Some of these skills include the processes you used to reach a final product as well as how you have learned to express yourself through various genres, literary elements, and media. Your digital portfolio will also include a reflection of what you think about those final products. Overall, someone who views your digital portfolio should be able to see your progression as a student of English and in developing your personal expression – what is called your voice.
In your reflection, you will look back on your writing processes and consider how they have changed or adapted for different assignments and purposes. You will reflect on your strengths and weaknesses, celebrating your strengths and setting realistic goals to improve any weaknesses. In choosing the assignments to place in your digital portfolio, you will be able to choose from a variety of writing pieces that you will complete in this course, including literary essays, research-based essays, journal entries, personal narratives, creative writing, discussion board posts, dramatic scripts, journalistic writing, and media projects.
At the end of the course, you will compile your work into a digital portfolio. The digital portfolio will require:
Organizing and Compiling Your Digital Portfolio
One of the most tedious aspects of a digital portfolio is actually keeping all your pieces organized and compiling them into the final digital portfolio. In the interactivity below, click on each of the spinning dots to learn ways to be more efficient in organizing and compiling works for your digital portfolio. Click on the player button to begin.
Download a printable version of this interactivity.
Digital Portfolio Review
Having the skill to reflect and self-evaluate has many advantages outside this course. For instance, many colleges now accept portfolios from students in the admissions process, adding another purpose to collecting your work. Now that you know what a digital portfolio is, complete the non-graded self-check below to check to make sure you know what is required of you for the digital portfolio and tips you can use to help you organize and compile your work. After selecting your answer on each slide, click SUBMIT. Click on the player button to get started.