Now that you have learned about the importance of objectivity in the media, see if you can analyze media through an objective lens. Take a moment to search online for an advertisement, editorial, blog post, website, video, online article, audio clip, or other media. In the chart on the checklist below, evaluate the contents of the media piece and the degree of objectivity that it presents. Is the media piece objective? In what ways is the media biased? You may find that the more controversial the event, the more likely you will find media that is biased toward one side or the other, even if ever so slightly.
You will need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment, so please submit a Works Cited document with your assignment submission. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing resources. Before you begin, review the Media Analysis Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit.
Once you have completed your media analysis, please submit your work to the dropbox.