Literary Journalism
In the book you are reading and studying, the writer has conducted interviews and research to create a tribute to an exceptional person using a narrative literary style. This form of writing that combines fact with literary narration is a very popular form of nonfiction today, but where did it come from and what does it entail? In this interactivity, click on each of the folder tabs to examine literary journalism. Click on the player button to begin.
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Literary Nonfiction Study
As you continue reading your selected nonfiction book for this module, think about the reliability the narrator. How much can you trust that the author is presenting you with the truth? The books you are reading are examples of literary nonfiction, but they are not completely objective or unbiased. Krakauer and McBride clearly include their own opinions and biases in their writing. Naturally, as McBride is writing his own life story and the story of his mother, this is expected. It should also be expected with Krakauer's biography of Chris McCandless, too. After all, Krakauer chose to write this story. He obviously felt some connection to this young man and his story.
Into the Wild
Read Chapters 13–18 and the epilogue of Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer. Is there narrative reliability in this biographical account? What stake might Krakauer have in the public perception of Chris? Can you trust Krakauer's version of events? Why or why not?
The Color of Water
Read Chapters 19–20 and the epilogue of The Color of Water by James McBride. Is there narrative reliability in this autobiographical (and biographical) account? Can you trust the versions of events according McBride and his mother Ruth? Why or why not?
Literary Journalism Review
Now that you have explored the background and elements of literary journalism, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Read each statement and decide whether it is true or false. Then, select the appropriate answer. Click on the player button to get started.