When you are trying to convince a reader to accept your viewpoint, you want to make sure that your words and ideas are clear. Your ideas should flow smoothly from one to the next, and there should not be any sentences or parts of your paper that leave your audience confused. Your words and argument should be clear and unified. Unity in a paragraph or paper is when every sentence is closely related to the topic sentence or thesis. You want every paragraph to be closely related to the thesis and every sentence in each paragraph to be closely related to the paragraph topic sentences. The flow of your paper is disrupted when the reader encounters irrelevant information or when a sentence is simply not needed.
View this presentation to learn how to ensure that your persuasive writing has the unity, organization, transitions, and conclusions to be effective at convincing your reader of your viewpoints. Not only will this information help to improve your persuasive writing, it can also be applied to every type of formal essay. Click the player button to begin.
View a printable version of the interactivity.
Unity, Transitions, Organization, and Conclusions Review
Now that you have explored how to use unity, organization, transitions, and conclusions in persuasive writing, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Read the set of directions associated with each question and provide your answer. Click the player button to get started.