Using Allusions

Puritan holding Bible in front of Native AmericansIn this topic, you have been introduced to the concept of allusions and how allusions are widely used in literature, works of art, and even modern everyday products and companies. By reading and analyzing a portion of an early captivity narrative, you were able to see an example of how the use of certain allusions can affect the tone of a work. Mary Rowlandson’s narrative abundantly referenced stories, people, and passages from the Bible, and through those allusions, expressed her undying faith in God and his will.

You should now be more aware of the use of allusions in your daily world. Allusions are used in all sorts of literature, and recognizing them can help you to better understand what you read. Your further learned how to break down complex sentences by focusing on indirect objects and subject complements. Indirect objects answer the question to or for whom the subject completes the action or verb in the sentence. Linking verbs, link the subject to words that rename or describe the subject called subject complements. When a sentence is complex and hard to understand, try identifying the parts of speech in the sentence to simplify its meaning.