Exposition (Act One of The Crucible)

person pointing accusing finger at anotherHave you ever been accused of something you did not do by a parent, friend, or teacher? How did you feel about this accusation? How did you react? Did you stand up for yourself? Were you too afraid to speak up? Did you accept the consequences? Were you able to convince the accusing party of your innocence? How? Or maybe you were the one falsely accusing someone of an act he or she did not commit. Did you know you were wrong? How did you feel about the situation? What was the outcome?

journal iconIn a journal entry, respond to these questions and situations. Write at least one well-developed paragraph explaining how you dealt with being falsely accused or how you dealt with the aftermath of falsely accusing someone else.

assignment iconOnce you have completed your journal entry, please save it with a file name of mod4top3_accusation and submit it to the journal dropbox.