Exposition (Act One of The Crucible)

girl reflecting on benchEven though you have only read the first act of The Crucible, you have quickly gained a wealth of information about many different characters. You have discovered some major and minor conflicts that the characters face as the development of the exposition is about to intensify.

Review your completed charts from the Characterization and Conflict Template. Do you know someone from your own life who is similar to one of the characters in the play? Reflect on this thought and draft a well-developed paragraph at the end of the Characterization and Conflict Template to show your understanding of the selected character and person in your life. Support your explanations with citations from the play to develop how the character is like someone you know. Before you begin, review the Characterization Reflection Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit.

assignment iconOnce you have completed your Characterization Reflection, please submit your assignment and the completed Characterization and Conflict Charts to the dropbox.