Prewriting – Your Thesis and Outline

girl writing on laptopNow it is time to format and plan your persuasive research paper in an outline form so that you can organize your arguments and information from sources to support your assertions.

Using the outline presented in the topic content, create an outline for your paper and then fill in the outline. For example, in the introduction section where it says "hook," write an idea you may have for your hook. Do the same for the other items in the outline. Be sure to indicate which facts and/or ideas you will cite from your sources to use as evidence, specifying whether you plan to cite information by incorporating a direct quotation, a paraphrase, or a summary from the source.

Before you begin, review the Persuasive Research Paper Outline Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit.

assignment iconOnce you have completed your outline, please submit your work to the dropbox.