Renaissance Drama – Macbeth (Acts I–III)

three witches meet Macbeth

William Shakespeare's Macbeth is a history, a chilling ghost story, and a psychological thriller that could rival any modern-day horror movie. Shakespeare used Raphael Holinshed's Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland as the foundation for his story. Holinshed's Chronicles tell of the reign of a bloodthirsty, 12th-century Scottish king named Macbeth. It also tells of the murder of the Scottish King Duff committed by Donwald. Combining the two tales to create the storyline of his play, Shakespeare wrote Macbeth specifically for King James I of England, who was a descendant a main character in the play named Banquo. Written around 1606, Shakespeare's dark tale of a man's ambition and treachery continues to be relevant to today's society.

Essential Questions

  • How does William Shakespeare explore the concepts of friendship and power in Macbeth?
  • What are the major and minor conflicts in William Shakespeare's Macbeth?
  • Who are the major and minor characters in William Shakespeare's Macbeth?