Macbeth is not a play for the faint of heart. There are witches, ghosts, murders, hallucinations, and supernatural events. Now that you have read three of the five acts, summarize the most important, memorable plot events by creating a comic strip that reveals the main events and troubling changes that occur in Acts I–III.
Begin by selecting six quotations that clearly show how the plot is building in suspense and dedicate a panel or segment of the comic strip to each quotation. Within each panel, you must include an illustration of the scene along with speech or dialogue balloons that indicate who is saying what. Be sure to choose your quotations carefully since you will not be able to include every detail of the plot. Your quotation may include lines from several characters, but keep in mind that the passage must fit within a panel.
Underneath each panel, leave space for a caption that summarizes in your own words what is occurring in the scene. After the caption, indicate where in the play you can find the quotation by citing the act and scene. Observe the example of a panel below to get an idea of the required elements:
Options to create your comic strip include the following:
Before you begin, review the Macbeth Comic Strip Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit.
This assignment might be a work sample that you want to include in your digital portfolio.
Once you have completed your comic strip, please submit your work to the dropbox.