Romantic Poetry

a wanderer viewing a landscapeThe poetry composed during the Romantic era touched on many topics that interested writers in the past: nature, power, beauty, adventure, and artistic creation, just to name a few. However, the period of Romanticism ushered in a new values and ways of thinking whose legacy continues in modern art today. The power and beauty of nature was sought after as a source of truth and poetic inspiration. Imagination, emotion, and spontaneity were key ingredients to the perfect verse. Exotic settings and characters captured the interest of the most eager readers, while original storylines emerged from mysterious and supernatural story elements whose legacy can still be appreciated in contemporary spin-offs. Poets of the Romantic movement embraced the unconventional in the search for truth, beauty, and justice. In this topic, you will examine the works of six famous Romantic poets: Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Keats, Shelley, and Byron.

Essential Questions

  • What are the characteristics of Romantic poetry?
  • How did Romantic poets develop new themes that reflected Romantic values?