Modern Fiction – The Novel

Angela's Ashes: Chapters I–II

reading iconAt the start of this topic, you read that Angela's Ashes is a memoir, or a collection of memories from an author's life. Memoirs are considered factual stories that usually focus on a specific theme or time period from the author's life. They rely more on recollection rather than verified research. Frank McCourt's memoir begins with some of his earliest childhood memories. As you read Chapters I and II, note the ways that McCourt writes from the perspective of a small child who does not understand the actions of the adults around him or their adult world.

journal iconIn a journal entry, discuss some of the techniques McCourt uses. Are they believable? What is his purpose for adopting this younger voice early on rather than telling his story from the perspective of his adult self? Also, consider the interesting way in which McCourt writes (no use of quotation marks, sparing use of commas, etc.). What might his purpose be? Use quotations and specific examples from the text to support your thoughts. If you need assistance on writing a journal entry, please visit the Developmental Module for more information. You will later submit all your journal entries for this novel as part of your Application assignment.

Part 1 Review

Part 1 ReviewNow that you have read the first part of Frank McCourt's memoir Angela's Ashes, take a moment to review what happened in Chapters I–II. In this non-graded activity, read the set of directions associated with each question and provide your answer. Click the player button to get started.




Angela's Ashes: Chapters III–VI

reading iconAs you read Chapters III–VI, you will notice that the tone of the memoir changes a bit. As Frank gets older and experiences more in life, the sophistication of the narrative's diction also matures. While he is still young in this second part, Frank is starting to become less child-like day by day. Seeing the events that unfold through Frank's eyes offers an innocent outlook on some pretty devastating events. His relationships and opinion of others are kinder than they probably would have been if adult Frank McCourt were not donning the persona of a younger him. However, one notable character whose behaviors and personality are being softened by the filter of childhood is Malachy (Sr.). As you read the second part of Angela's Ashes, take note of the many sides of Malachy (Sr.) that you see.

journal iconIn a journal entry, jot down the things that Malachy (Sr.) says and does, noting the page numbers as you go. What do you think about him as a person? As a father? As a husband? Is it possible to like and dislike a person at the same time? Explain your thoughts in a well composed paragraph. If you need assistance on writing a journal entry, please visit the Developmental Module for more information. You will later submit all your journal entries for this novel as part of your Application assignment.

Part 2 Review

Part 2 ReviewNow that you have read the second part of Frank McCourt's memoir Angela's Ashes, take a moment to review what happened in Chapters III–VI. In this non-graded activity, read the set of directions associated with each question and provide your answer. Click the player button to get started.




Angela's Ashes: Chapters VII–X

reading iconIn the previous chapters you have read, Frank McCourt begins to write about his formal education. He will continue to write about his schooling and the life lessons he learns from friends, family, and work experiences in Chapters VII–X. You will begin to see how Frank is being shaped into the person he will ultimately become.

journal iconIn a journal entry, discuss some characteristics you see developing in Frank. What events are shaping him? Use specific quotations and examples from the text to support your observations. If you need assistance on writing a journal entry, please visit the Developmental Module for more information. You will later submit all your journal entries for this novel as part of your Application assignment.

Part 3 Review

Part 3 ReviewNow that you have read the third part of Frank McCourt's memoir Angela's Ashes, take a moment to review what happened in Chapters VII–X. In this non-graded activity, read the set of directions associated with each question and provide your answer. Click the player button to get started.



Angela's Ashes: Chapters XI–XIX

reading iconThroughout Frank's young life so far, he has endured sickness, hunger, eviction, and the grief of losing loved ones. Yet his dream of returning to America and finding lasting happiness in life is still alive and strong inside of him. How can he ever make this dream still come true? Before completing the final part of the Angela's Ashes, make some predictions about what you think might happen to Frank and his family in the years leading up to As Chapter XI begins, think about everything Frank, Malachy (Jr.), Michael, and Alphie have endured in their short childhoods.

journal iconNow that you have finished reading Frank McCourt's memoir of his early life, go back to your first journal entry from the Warm-Up activity and review your responses. In a journal entry, discuss how the book influenced your opinion of any three of the statements by either changing your opinion or making your initial opinion stronger. Use specific quotations and examples from the text that influenced your opinion. If you need assistance on writing a journal entry, please visit the Developmental Module for more information. You will later submit all your journal entries for this novel as part of your Application assignment.

Part 4 Review

Part 4 ReviewNow that you have read the fourth and final part of Frank McCourt's memoir Angela's Ashes, take a moment to review what happened in Chapters XI–XIX. In this non-graded activity, read the set of directions associated with each question and provide your answer. Click the player button to get started.




Angela's Ashes Review

Angela's Ashes Reviewsef-check iconNow that you have read and explored Frank McCourt's memoir, Angela's Ashes, it is time to review your knowledge and practice what you have learned. In this non-graded activity, read the questions and select the appropriate answers. Click the player button to get started.