Modern Fiction – The Novel

Throughout your reading of Frank McCourt's memoir Angela's Ashes, you will complete journal entries and submit them with your Application assignment. For this first journal entry, read through the following set of statements and decide whether you agree or disagree with each of them. You must pick a side, so if you are in the middle, you will need to choose one side or the other. In a journal entry, explain your answer to three of the statements. Why did you choose "Agree" or "Disagree"? What events in your life might have helped you come to that conclusion? Can you think of any situations where you might be able to choose the opposite viewpoint?
Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
- Dependence on public assistance is a sign of weakness.
- Older siblings should always care for younger siblings.
- Being a religious person is an indication of one's goodness.
- America is a land of opportunity for all.
- Fathers should be responsible for providing for families.
- Blood ties among families are usually strong enough to overcome betrayals.
- If you can't count on your family, you can't count on anyone.
- Success in life often has as much to do with luck as it has to do with ability or choice.
- It is okay to break laws, such as stealing, in dire circumstances.
- As long as no one is harmed, breaking a law is fine.
- Education is the most important element of success.
- Alcoholism is a disease that has no cure.
- Dire poverty cannot be overcome.
- Children learn right and wrong from their parents.
- The influence of friends can be stronger than any other influence.